Random Snippets of the Recent Weeks

I’m back in Brisbane… and Dear Gods of Thunder and Rain and the Sun, could you tell me what’s up with the weather here?

I’ve been battling sore throats in the morning and feeling hot and cold at other times of the day. I can feel my body is holding up trying not to fall sick!

Weekend is coming up fast again and I thought I might just share a little snippets of some of the random things in my life as of recent weeks.




And as you could see… I’ve had a haircut and ended up with the full bangs. It’s a long bangs so at times I can also push them to the side and have side bangs. For some reason my hair has a mind of its own and moves to different directions throughout the day. The bangs grow pretty fast, as well, so I might have to wear it only sideway pretty soon until I get them trimmed again.

Hope you all been well.



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